Buying The Correct Bike For You

In the last couple of decades a major shift has been happening in transportation. Cars were the king of the road, however we can now see a growing trend in the popularity of cycling as a main method of transport. Perhaps the trend can be put down to 'green' thinking, or maybe just the prices of gas are starting to get to people. Either way you will now find the roads filled with more cyclists than ever before. Maybe you have been pondering purchasing a bike? If you have been thinking about using a bike as your main mode of transportation, or just thinking about getting one for fun, there are a few things you need to think about.

You need to make sure you pick a bike that is the right size. To accomplish this you need know your inseam measurement. Simply measure the distance from your groin to the bottom of your foot, down the inside of your leg. The goal is to be able to sit on the seat of the bike and still rest your feet flat on the ground. This is mainly for safety and will allow you to use your feet to stop the bike without the brakes if needed. Believe it or not, your bicycle seat should not sit at its lowest setting, resting against the crossbar. Always consider that you are going to have to raise the seat up off the crossbar when you are shopping for your bike. When you bring the seat up a few inches, you are going to have more room between the crossbar and you, and this will make for a much more comfortable ride. You want to be able to sit on the bike and place your foot on the pedal at the lowest position, and almost be able to fully extend your leg.

Don’t forget to buy your safety gear. Bicycle helmets are something completely different than they once were. They are now designed to offer better protection while looking a bit better, as well. It is important that you never ride your bicycle without also wearing your helmet. You don't even realize how important this thing can be in saving your life.

If you are going to be taking your bike off road, then you need to also invest in some knee and elbow pads, as well as ankle and wrist guards. If you plan to use your bike as a sole means of transportation, buy yourself some pants clips. They work by clipping your pants out of the way so they can't get tangled in the chain or gears.

The options and technologies available for biking are overwhelming as you search for a new bicycle. Your choices range from safety issues to those of fashion. It’s perfectly normal for you to feel a little overwhelmed and perhaps a little perplexed when starting out. A little time spent looking into the choices will allow you to relax and buy the best bike for check my reference you.

Before heading out to the store, learn a little bit about the available choices. It will pay off in the end.

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